In a fast-evolving media landscape, journalists have an opportunity and an obligation to thoughtfully consider ethical standards as they relate to 360 video, AR, VR and other immersive experiences. These mediums present new questions, including maintaining faithful representations and considering new ways subject might be perceived.
In this session, Jayson Chesler, digital storytelling producer for The Sacramento Bee and McClatchy’s western newsrooms, and Theresa Poulson, a product manager for McClatchy’s 30 newsrooms across the country, will unpack the issues they’ve encountered building new projects and answer audience questions about ethics in immersive media.
Jayson and Theresa’s guide, linked below, focuses on how to interpret standards as they apply to emerging methods and technology. Be sure to take a look prior to the session — it's designed for both beginners and current creators.

Theresa Poulson
Product Manager, News, McClatchy

Jayson Chesler
Digital Storytelling Producer, Western Newsrooms, McClatchy
@JayChesler • Visit Website

Jennifer Mizgata
Director of Programs, Online News Association
@JMizgata • Visit Website